Dalam banyak kasus, cara yang paling baik untuk meningatkan trafik website yang baru memulai dengan menulis blog adalah mengsosialikan hasil tulisan kita. berjuta juta orang dari seluruh dunia telah menggunakan internet. untuk itu kita harus memiliki cara untuk supaya mengunjungi website kita dengan cara yg berbeda beda.
ada sejumlah cara-cara lain yang anda dapat mengatur blog mu untuk menjadi lebih user friendly, sebagai tambahan, untuk meningkatkan blog anda lokasi lain web yang berbeda. kami sudah meringkas 50 mata rantai sebelum itu akan dengan pasti bermanfaat untuk usaha mu dalam optimisasi di mesin pencarian.
Gaining Traffic
Digg - For people to propose, share and rate contents on the web. Write some good contents and post the link here for people to 'digg' it to a higher rank.
Stumbleupon - Provides a toolbar for users to randomly 'stumble' to interesting pages. User can rank the page in the toolbar which determines the frequency for the page to be shown.
Feedburner - Syndicate your feed, provides a number of features and integration channels to other tools which makes your feed more popular and user-friendly
Technorati - Syndicate your blog feed, receives ping upon any new postings and share it with other users, given your post has some 'authority'
Weblogs.com - Service by VeriSign that receives ping upon blog updates
blo.gs - Service by Yahoo that receives ping upon blog updates
Del.icio.us - Plain and simple social online bookmark system. Allows users to record any URLs onto their favorites according to tags, given the same tag users can browse others' collection to scale their knowledge bases.
dmoz.org - Online directory which is the source of information for various famous search engines. Getting listed here will raise the opportunity for your site to be indexed
Craigslist - Another online directory that provides various kinds of classified information
Yahoo! buzz - Famous blogs and news syndicates that can provide extra traffic to your blog, given your feed can be included in their syndicated news feed
BlogBlogs - ditto
TechMeme - ditto
EzineArticles - ditto
GoArticles - ditto
iSnare. - ditto
MyBlogLog - ditto
Lifehacker - ditto
Threadwatch - ditto
Yahoo! Answers - Yahoo forum-alike system for providing quick solutions among peers.
Google Groups - Google forum-alike system to gather users of similar interests
Wikipedia - Social encyclopedia system for users to collaborate and compose essays upon different topics and glossaries
YouTube - Social video hosting services with huge number of visitors
Squidoo - For users to quickly create single descriptive page
Blogger - Online blogging services provided by Google
Haloscan - Plug-in service to Blogger that provides the trackback function, allowing reciprocal links from other blog posts to yours
PRWeb - Paid services for listing press releases
PRLeap - ditto
Statistics Tools
Google Zeitgeist - Lists out the most popular keywords and search information throughout different years in Google
Google Analytics - Provides comprehensive data and analysis of traffic to your web site, also includes recommendation of searching keywords commonly used by visitors
Google Webmasters Tools - Receives site map submission about your web site for better crawling of Googlebot
Google Trends - Comparison among different searching keywords by time and location
Google Website Optimizer - Provides 'experiments' for your web site and analyzes them for any potential room of optimization.
Google Adwords: Traffic Estimator - Estimates the traffic trend of a particular keywords
Google AdPlanner - A tool that provides suggestion on how to optimize your online advertisements
Googlerankings - Simple tool for checking your web site ranking on several search engines
Performancing - Online statistics tools for analyzing web traffic
Alexa - Famous tools for measure web traffic and make comparisons between web sites of similar topic
Advertisement Program
Google Adwords - Advertisement program by Google, clients can submit keywords and descriptions which can appear on relevant web sites that are subscribed to Adsense program Google Adwords: Keyword Tools - Suggests keywords for web site which can be used in advertisement or page titles
Google Adwords Professionals Program - Professional program offered by Google for a standing for using Adwords in Internet marketing
Google Adsense - Complementary program to Adwords. Clients can choose to display text links banners on their web sites from which the links are from Adwords subscribers
Yahoo Search Engine Marketing - Advertisement program by Yahoo
Microsoft adCenter - Advertisement program by Microsoft MSN
Wikipedia | SEO - Definition of search engine optimization as on Wikipedia
SEOmoz - Comprehensive materials about SEO tips and recommendations
SEO Book - ditto
del.icio.us | SEO - Make use of the power of Web 2.0, see quality pages about SEO as tagged by other people
SEO Cheatsheet - Simple table form presentation listing a number of on-site optimization tips and strategies
Social Networking
Facebook - Advertise your web site on Facebook! Post it to your profile or send it as messages, at least your friends may be interested and give you a head start traffic
LinkedIn - Setup a public profile on LinkedIn with your new web site, it will bring exposure to not only your web site but yourself as well.
ada sejumlah cara-cara lain yang anda dapat mengatur blog mu untuk menjadi lebih user friendly, sebagai tambahan, untuk meningkatkan blog anda lokasi lain web yang berbeda. kami sudah meringkas 50 mata rantai sebelum itu akan dengan pasti bermanfaat untuk usaha mu dalam optimisasi di mesin pencarian.
Gaining Traffic
Digg - For people to propose, share and rate contents on the web. Write some good contents and post the link here for people to 'digg' it to a higher rank.
Stumbleupon - Provides a toolbar for users to randomly 'stumble' to interesting pages. User can rank the page in the toolbar which determines the frequency for the page to be shown.
Feedburner - Syndicate your feed, provides a number of features and integration channels to other tools which makes your feed more popular and user-friendly
Technorati - Syndicate your blog feed, receives ping upon any new postings and share it with other users, given your post has some 'authority'
Weblogs.com - Service by VeriSign that receives ping upon blog updates
blo.gs - Service by Yahoo that receives ping upon blog updates
Del.icio.us - Plain and simple social online bookmark system. Allows users to record any URLs onto their favorites according to tags, given the same tag users can browse others' collection to scale their knowledge bases.
dmoz.org - Online directory which is the source of information for various famous search engines. Getting listed here will raise the opportunity for your site to be indexed
Craigslist - Another online directory that provides various kinds of classified information
Yahoo! buzz - Famous blogs and news syndicates that can provide extra traffic to your blog, given your feed can be included in their syndicated news feed
BlogBlogs - ditto
TechMeme - ditto
EzineArticles - ditto
GoArticles - ditto
iSnare. - ditto
MyBlogLog - ditto
Lifehacker - ditto
Threadwatch - ditto
Yahoo! Answers - Yahoo forum-alike system for providing quick solutions among peers.
Google Groups - Google forum-alike system to gather users of similar interests
Wikipedia - Social encyclopedia system for users to collaborate and compose essays upon different topics and glossaries
YouTube - Social video hosting services with huge number of visitors
Squidoo - For users to quickly create single descriptive page
Blogger - Online blogging services provided by Google
Haloscan - Plug-in service to Blogger that provides the trackback function, allowing reciprocal links from other blog posts to yours
PRWeb - Paid services for listing press releases
PRLeap - ditto
Statistics Tools
Google Zeitgeist - Lists out the most popular keywords and search information throughout different years in Google
Google Analytics - Provides comprehensive data and analysis of traffic to your web site, also includes recommendation of searching keywords commonly used by visitors
Google Webmasters Tools - Receives site map submission about your web site for better crawling of Googlebot
Google Trends - Comparison among different searching keywords by time and location
Google Website Optimizer - Provides 'experiments' for your web site and analyzes them for any potential room of optimization.
Google Adwords: Traffic Estimator - Estimates the traffic trend of a particular keywords
Google AdPlanner - A tool that provides suggestion on how to optimize your online advertisements
Googlerankings - Simple tool for checking your web site ranking on several search engines
Performancing - Online statistics tools for analyzing web traffic
Alexa - Famous tools for measure web traffic and make comparisons between web sites of similar topic
Advertisement Program
Google Adwords - Advertisement program by Google, clients can submit keywords and descriptions which can appear on relevant web sites that are subscribed to Adsense program Google Adwords: Keyword Tools - Suggests keywords for web site which can be used in advertisement or page titles
Google Adwords Professionals Program - Professional program offered by Google for a standing for using Adwords in Internet marketing
Google Adsense - Complementary program to Adwords. Clients can choose to display text links banners on their web sites from which the links are from Adwords subscribers
Yahoo Search Engine Marketing - Advertisement program by Yahoo
Microsoft adCenter - Advertisement program by Microsoft MSN
Wikipedia | SEO - Definition of search engine optimization as on Wikipedia
SEOmoz - Comprehensive materials about SEO tips and recommendations
SEO Book - ditto
del.icio.us | SEO - Make use of the power of Web 2.0, see quality pages about SEO as tagged by other people
SEO Cheatsheet - Simple table form presentation listing a number of on-site optimization tips and strategies
Social Networking
Facebook - Advertise your web site on Facebook! Post it to your profile or send it as messages, at least your friends may be interested and give you a head start traffic
LinkedIn - Setup a public profile on LinkedIn with your new web site, it will bring exposure to not only your web site but yourself as well.
Link untuk Search Engine Optimization (Part 1)
Reviewed by Mardianto
10:13 AM
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